Tuesday, July 18, 2017

No Federal Class Action Lawsuit Orders Fort Worth To Build Sidewalks?

This morning I read an article in the Seattle Times which caused me to be freshly perplexed by something I was long perplexed about during my period of voluntary incarceration in one of America's underdeveloped cities, Fort Worth Texas.

The thing I was long perplexed by in Fort Worth was the fact that the town has so few sidewalks, with so many streets having no room for pedestrians, with many streets  having dirt paths worn into the weeds where a sidewalk should be.

And then I read this article in the Seattle Times about Seattle agreeing to fix or install 22,500 sidewalk curb ramps, at a cost of around $300 million.

Seattle agreed to settle a federal class action lawsuit brought against the city by three men with disabilities who alleged the city was in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act because many of the town's sidewalks lacked curb ramps which make street crossings easily doable for those using a wheelchair or other mobility device.

Countless times in Fort Worth I witnessed some hapless soul struggling to walk along a Fort Worth sidewalk-less street. Moms pushing a baby carriage. An old lady wheeling a walker. A disabled elderly man bumping along a dirt path trying to control his electric scooter.

Is Fort Worth exempt from federal class action lawsuits? I suspect such must be the case, what with there being so many things one would think would warrant federal attention. Such as the repeated, outrageous abuse of eminent domain in Fort Worth.

Surely an imaginative lawyer could do something to get some sort of lawsuit suing the Trinity River Central City Uptown Panther Island District Vision for its wanton misuse of public funds.

Is there some sort of federal statute regarding nepotism in any sort of government entity? One would think it would be illegal to hire a congresswoman's inexperienced unqualified son to oversee a public works so as to motivate his mother to try and secure federal funding for a dubious public works project for which the public has never been allowed to vote.

If a federal court ordered Fort Worth to build sidewalks, with ramps, to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act how would Fort Worth pay for it?

Hire another of Kay Granger's children to oversee the Fort  Worth Signature Sidewalk Initiative?

If history is any indicator, that likely would not go well. There would be a big celebration to celebrate the start of construction of the first sidewalk. Followed by a year or two of no one seeing any new sidewalks built, with the public learning, eventually, there was a serious problem with the sidewalk's design, hence the long stall on the sidewalk building....

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